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Libido Enhancer – Female / Daily Diva for Women
Grandma’s Herbs – Daily Diva for Women New Name same Formula as “Female Libido Enhancer” (Natural Remedy to Support Women’s Libido) (100 Capsules – 506 mg) For those women who are looking for a more natural solution to these concerns, Grandma’s Herbs has formulated FEMALE LIBIDO ENHANCER / DAILY DIVA for WOMEN. “Daily Diva for Women is the same formula with a different name, forced by the industry regulators” This formula “Daily Diva” was designed to enhance libido and sexual intensity with proven and clinically tested herbs like Maca Root, Horny Goat Weed and Damiana. Many of the herbs in this formula are categorized as aphrodisiacs: Some are categorized as mild anti-depressants. Others are there to support healthy reproductive organs. All of the herbs in this formula work together to help make your experience with them more pleasurable. A second benefit of this formula is: It increases workout strength Energy levels and endurance throughout the day Helps to recover after a strenuous workout What’s Included: One Bottle of DAILY DIVA / FEMALE LIBIDO ENHANCER – 100 Capsules – 506 mg Product Features: Increased Libido in women. Re-establishes a youthful zest for life. Aids in feelings of health and well being. Can be taken as a daily supplement or as a supplement for intimacy. Recommendation: (2) Capsules each morning with food. Take an additional (4) to (6) capsules up to 2 hours prior to intimacy, depending on weight and sensitivity. Ingredients: Oak Straw (herb) extract 4:1, Nettle (herb) extract 4:1, Muira Puama (root & bark), L-Arginine, L-Tyrosine, L-Histadine, Horny Goat Weed (Leaf), Maca (root), Corn Silk (herb), Siberian Ginseng (root), Damiana (herb) extract 5:1, Saw Palmetto (berry), Tribulus Terrestris (herb), Dark Coco Powder, Wild Yam (root), Black Cohosh (root), Royal Jelly. Overview: What is LIBIDO: The dictionary describes libido as sex drive. There is a psychological definition as: The energy of the sexual drive as a component of the life instinct. Personally to me libido is a life force that excites us as teens, keeps us competitive (in all aspects of our life) through our twenties and thirties then dissipate until it nearly disappears after that. In general, sex drive decreases gradually with age in both men and women, but women are two to three times more likely to be affected by a decline in sex drive as they age. Pre-menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal women can have a low libido or low desire to be intimate. During the menopause transition, the physical effects of falling estrogen levels (including hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness) can undermine sexual motivation and drive. Diminished desire and the rareness of sexual thoughts is a source of distress, undercutting their satisfaction with life and changing their sense of sexuality and self. According to an article published in the journal of the American Medical Association in 1999, 43% of women in the US deal with sexual dysfunction. Natural defenses against the reduction of libido during the menopausal transition: Maca Root: These studies with maca on human subjects were reviewed in 2010 [Maca (L. meyenii) for improving sexual function: Shin BC, Lee MS, Yang EJ, Lim HS, Ernst E BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 Aug 6;]. Randomized clinical trials which met the authors’ inclusion criteria: suggested a significant positive effect of maca on sexual dysfunction or sexual desire in healthy postmenopausal women or healthy adult men. Horny Goat Weed: Horny goat weed has played a vital, multifaceted role in traditional Asian medicine for at least 1,000 years. It is considered a yang tonic. It is said to enhance the energy of the kidney. Enhancing kidney energy in this setting correlates to improving sexual function and fertility in Chinese Medicine History Animal studies conducted in China have investigated the use of this herb within the traditional conception of a yang tonic and found effective for that purpose. Damiana: In folk medicine, Damiana is considered as an aphrodisiac. A study was conducted to determine whether Damiana recovers sexual behavior in sexually exhausted rats. Damiana significantly reduced the post-ejaculatory interval. The results supported the use of Damiana as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine and suggest possible therapeutic properties of Damiana on sexual dysfunction. While the potential causes of sexual problems during menopause can seem overwhelming and unavoidable, there are many strategies for overcoming them. These include self-help measures you can adopt on your own or counseling with or without your partner. There are also herbal remedies that include certain effective time tested ingredients that, when properly used, have been shown to be both safe and effective in young, old, and all ages in between. DAILY DIVA for Women offers a little pep and a lot of attitude! It can give you that edge that keeps you smiling through the day! Do you feel as though you have lost your luster, inner strength and well-being? That inner strength that a woman feels when everything is balanced is hard to put into words, but every women remembers and knows that feeling. With the demands, pace, and distractions in life it is hard to maintain the inner balance. Grandma’s Herbs knows these feelings and it has been the center of attention in the research and development department for quite some time now. DAILY DIVA for Women is the result of that research. For all of you super charged work out DIVAS this formula can increase workout strength, energy levels and endurance throughout the day and helps to rebuild tissue after strenuous exercise. You go girls!!!