Flor Essence Liquid (Flora) 503 ml

$52.95 52.95


Flor • Essence has earned worldwide respect as a gentle yet powerful detoxifying and revitalizing formula. Most other cleansing kits aggressively remove accumulated waste with often harsh side-effects and rarely deal with toxins that infiltrate all our organs and tissues. Flor • Essence liquid gently flushes toxic residue from the kidneys, liver, lungs, colon, and bloodstream.

The active components in the herbs contained in Flor • Essence also improve digestion and cleanse the intestinal organs, gently removing 'sludge' that prevents full absorption of vital nutrients. Strong bowel-evacuating herbs may irritate the colon and repeated colonics can wash away valuable friendly bacteria. With digestion improved, Flor • Essence keeps food from fermenting in the intestinal tract and from becoming a source of toxins. The results are healthier, toxin-free cells, improved digestion, optimal health and vibrant energy.