Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel for Dogs' Skin (1 squeeze bottle = 4 oz/118 ml)(Free shipping over $50 Order)

$39.99 39.99


Gel for itchy or sore skin

What is Itchy Owie used for?

  • Cuts and abrasions
  • Bites and stings
  • Dry or moist redness

Order Itchy Owie Gel today and provide comfort for your dog's skin.

90 Day money-back guarantee
1 squeeze bottle = 4 oz/118 ml

What is Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel?

This is a product you'll want to have in your dog's first aid kit. It is designed for any kind of lesion, hot spot, cut, bite, sting or wound. 

Dogs can't help it. When something is wrong with their skin, they scratch and/or lick (or bite) the area, sometimes causing further damage or infection. 

Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel is designed to:

  • Keep out the bacteria that could cause infection
  • Decrease the itch sensation
  • Help support the skin's natural integrity to heal

The herbs used to make this gel are double extracted for maximum potency, giving it a characteristic light brown color. You can see the potency of the active herbal ingredients, rather than the "fillers" or "carriers". 

Our veterarians developed this skin gel for dogs with:

  • frequent itchy areas (regardless of the cause) 
  • hot spots 
  • wet (oozing) OR dry skin areas
  • insect bites and stings
  • cuts and wounds (first aid)

Whatever the skin issue is, frequent application will be beneficial and will be safe if the dog licks it off. 

What is Itchy Owie used for?

Some canines are more susceptible to hot spots, lesions and skin trouble. The skin can get dry or it can have moist, irritated patches. Insect bites and stings can also affect some dogs more than others. These all cause unpleasant, even unbearable, itch and/or discomfort. There may be sensitivities to something in the diet or environment that can cause reactions on the skin of your dog. 

Apply a thin layer of Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel over the affected area(s) two or three times daily. More frequent applications may be needed, especially if the dog licks the gel off. 

A Note from our Veterinarian...

Skin problems that persist are generally considered to happen for many possible reasons:

  • Is your pet exposed to toxic materials? 
    Common pest control chemicals in the garden, on the lawn or cleaning products in the home may be causing or contributing to a skin problem. Consider substituting more natural products to see if your dog's skin health improves.
  • Allergies?
    Allergic dermatitis is a condition seen routinely by veterinarians. Possible allergens can be pollens from weeds, trees or grasses, molds, dust mites or fleas. You may want to learn more about another Pet Wellbeing product if your dog is itching due to allergies:  Itch Support Gold.
  • Are there other health issues?
    Other health conditions, such as an underactive thyroid, can have symptoms that show up on the skin. By treating the cause, the secondary skin ailments can be taken care of. Sometimes, negative reactions to vaccines can exhibit as skin disorders. A foul odor on the skin is not considered normal and should be examined by a veterinarian. A common cause of smelly skin is yeast infection. If your dog has yeast dermatitis, you will want to read more about Pet Wellbeing's Derma Support Gold. 
  • What is your canine eating?
    The most common dietary allergens are wheat, dairy, corn, soy and egg. Sometimes, though fairly rare, our pets exhibit an allergy or sensitivity to something in their diet by breaking out on the skin, often on the back at the base of the tail. The skin is one of the body's organs of elimination. If the body is attempting to eliminate an allergen, the skin can become irritated, red and itchy. Assess the quality of the food you are feeding your pet and also potential ingredients that may be a problem. If you suspect your pet has food sensitivities but you can't figure out what they are, it may be helpful to prepare an allergen-free diet at home. Batches of food can be made in advance and kept in the fridge or freezer.
  • Is your dog bored, frustrated or irritable?
    Sometimes, psychologically-based issues can cause a pet to scratch. Over scratching can lead to abrasions that can become infected.
  • Parasites?
    Fleas, mange and ringworm require treatment specific to the type of parasite your pet has. Seek the consultation of your veterinarian for solutions. If your pet has discomfort or parasites such as ear mites in the ears, please see Ear Clean Gold and Ear Care Gold.

Does it come with a guarantee?

Yes! Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel comes with a 90 day money-back guarantee.

Why choose Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel for your canine friend?

  • Certified organic & ethically wild-harvested:  This formula is prepared from organically grown and ethically wild-harvested herbs.
  • Full Spectrum Extract:  The full biochemical spectrum of the herbs is preserved to ensure the potency of the extract. All raw materials are double-extracted and tested for purity.
  • Every batch tested:  Every batch of our Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel is tested to ensure the highest quality and potency. Every single batch.
  • Quality:  Strict quality control procedures are meticulously monitored.
  • It's Guaranteed:  In addition to the superior quality of our products, you are also protected by our 90 day money-back guarantee.

Who makes Itchy Owie Quick-Dry Gel?

Itchy Owie is made by PetWellbeing, founded in 2001. Our goal? To bring the wisdom and experience of our caring holistic veterinarians to your pet. When your pet is healthy; you're happy.

To fulfill our vision, our on-staff, holistic veterinarians have developed formulas using time honored, traditional uses of herbs and integrated the latest scientific research. It is our aim to produce the best products for your pet that we can.