Prostate Ezee Flow Tea (Bell)

$37.95 37.95


Within 3-5 days most men can lead a normal life again 50% of men over 50 and 90% over 60 have enlarged prostates.

They are suffering day and night with this frustrating health problem. Bell Prostate Ezee Flow Tea stops dribbling, burning and rushing to the bathroom every half hour or hour day and night. They sleep badly and are tired all day.

Many men wrote tea works better than Saw Palmetto and other pills as well as drugs. Relaxed prostate normalizes urine flow. Bonus: Most report increase in spontaneous blood flow and better erections. Tea is pleasant to drink, it’s safe and gives quick, effective relief. 99% success rate.

Many men wrote they were happy to avoid prostate surgery. Others wrote they had prostate surgery and still had urgency and burning problems until they tried our prostate tea.

40 Million men in North America are suffering needlessly with enlarged prostate and most could be helped quickly with this tea with no side effects.
Many men wrote it works better than drugs!

INGREDIENTS: Chamomile, cinnamon twigs, cranberry, damiana, willow flower, ginseng, lavender, lemon, red peony, saw palmetto, stinging nettle, water plantain.
USAGE: We recommend drinking at least two large cups a day until you have some relief. Later 1 cup per day will be sufficient for maintenance after you have relief. Best taken on an empty stomach.